Glad you pointed out he had on glasses. I thought the dark spots were just expressionist eyes

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Enchanting and thank you for all these images. No mention of the Rothko Chapel in Houston? I will, briefly since it has a great Facebook page readers can reference. Its surrounding embracing walls are all aubergine in color including skylights in like colored ceilings down to the floors. As mentioned here ‘being there’ with Rothko’s paintings is the top way to understand them and be immersed by him.

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Thanks, Roberta. The main reason I left out the Chapel is that the images simply do not give a sense of the paintings, though one can get a sense of the space from pictures. Also, I've never been there (it's on my Art Bucket List), so I can't speak about it from my own experience. Thanks for sharing your experience in my place.

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"He saw the colored shapes as performers acting in an undefined space." This describes Rothko to a "T."

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