Wonderful post, once again. Nevelson (whose work is definitely brilliant) is the only artist you write about with whom I’m familiar, which might itself serve as a commentary on how undersung the work of these artists is. Thank you so much for bringing these artists and the exhibit to my attention. A cornucopia of rich and varied art to explore.
Thanks. I was unfamiliar with most of the artists, too, other than Nevelson and Ruth Asawa. There are so many interesting artists in this exhibition; I had a hard time choosing which to include.
Wonderful post, once again. Nevelson (whose work is definitely brilliant) is the only artist you write about with whom I’m familiar, which might itself serve as a commentary on how undersung the work of these artists is. Thank you so much for bringing these artists and the exhibit to my attention. A cornucopia of rich and varied art to explore.
Thanks. I was unfamiliar with most of the artists, too, other than Nevelson and Ruth Asawa. There are so many interesting artists in this exhibition; I had a hard time choosing which to include.
I really liked the "big string" by Fuller.
I'm glad you found something you liked.